Posts tagged Continuity and Change (SDCC)
Idea No. 3101: The Drive for Sameness, Difference, Continuity and Change (SDCC)

Idea Description

It seems that one of life’s and man’s prime drives is the urge to perpetuate and continue through time specific patterns and principles while permitting and/or requiring others to change. As part of the same drive, or in a parallel manner, life and man are driven to expand and spread through space certain sameness and homogeneity while allowing or requiring particular differences and/or diversity. Both could be seen as highly regulated intentional motivations for a distinctive blend of similarity and differences over space and time.   

Namely, the hypothesis is that life in general, and man as an extension of it, are highly driven by a very basic preference for a particular combination of continuity and change across time and sameness and difference across space. 

Various forms of life might interpret this drive differently and have very diverse manifestations of it. Nevertheless, many of our human drives, urges, motivations and inclinations might rise out of this basic drive and thus it can explain and connect many seemingly unrelated historical and current tendencies, actions and phenomena, in evolution and human history. For example, it can connect and explain previously disconnected activities and propensities that are taken for granted, as the perpetuation of life itself, sexuality, human love and socialization, education, political attempts for expansion and perpetuity, communication, as well as mummification, the building of pyramids, Hitler’s horrifying wish for a Reich of a thousand years and Mau’s blue dress code throughout China.

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