Topic No. 180: Nature of Function of Emotions
Topic Description
We all know “emotions” but are not clear what “emotions” are or how to view them. Why did they develop? What unique function do they fulfill in our life? What advantage do they offer to emotional organisms? What is so unique or special about emotions that their function could not be fulfilled by other means? Do all organisms have some form of emotions, and if not, what is the basic difference between emotional organisms and emotionless ones? The hope is to go beyond the common claims that emotions are evolutionarily necessary, or helpful to human communication, responses and/or interactions, and to offer a fresher and more detailed hypothesis regarding their uniqueness and role in our lives. The hope is to better understand their position so that we can perhaps better engage with them to improve personal well-being as well as our global one.
List of Ideas for this Topic
Idea No. 1801: Emotions as Ways of Relating